Sunday, 20 May 2012

Breathe: Headdress Reflection:

The head dress was a really fun project to work on. It gave me a chance to work with new materials, new machinery and processes I had never worked with before. This has been a good experience to have as it has broadened my knowledge in the field of costume and given me a chance to be a lot more creative.

With this costume it was very much under pressure to get it done within the day we had set a side to do it in. Being so aware of the time constraint was good pressure to work under as it really focused me on what was needed to be produced in the work shop.
However because it was something very different to produce and create it was fun to get into and very different from everything that I had create in the costume store.

Due to the nature of the breathe project certain considerations needed to be taken into account; the performers would have to be in the costumes for a long time so the head dresses needed to be made as comfortable as possible but yet secure. Elastic was needed under the chin because the horns were to heavy on the hat so made it quite unstable.
I am really pleased with the final head dress. It fits in with the over all costume and finishes the final costume.

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