Sunday, 8 April 2012

Learning Agreement:

NAME:                                   KIM PICKERING
COURSE:                             BA (Hons) Costume with Performance Design        
UNIT TITLE:                                    Self Directed Project                    
REF. NO./LEVEL:               CSS518
WEIGHTING:                        2.0      
DURATION:                         9 Weeks       
HOURS OF STUDY:          300 Hours    
Unit Leader:                         Adele Keeley/Graham Cottenden


The project I am working on is the costume store and it is to work on the finer details of costume construction. I chose this project as it as an area of my work that I want to develop and make stronger. Since starting year two I have lost a lot of confidence within my making skills and I need to regain my confidence and skill.
This project we will make a shirt, and breeches or waistcoat. Through this project I hope to greatly improve my sewing skills. I want to be able to create more detailed work well and within a time frame that is set.
   We are also helping with the Breathe project which is helping children and adults with disabilities to create Breather costumes for their parade. We will be doing workshops with them creating certain pieces of garments with them. I will also create a whole costume piece plus a body of work which is based on costume interpretation. This work is more individual and problem solving that working in a set way.
I really enjoy working with people so I would like to develop my skills in communication within a learning environment and help in directing them in the workshops we create.
  For the assessment I will be producing a number of garments from a range of eras. All of which will range in difficulty. The garments will range from a shirt, breeches or a waistcoat. To produce each garment there will be a different time scale.
The Breathers project will produce a full costume including decorative pieces; they will vastly differ compared to what will be produced in the costume store. These will be more textiles based and less focused on the finer details as they are bold and more extreme costumes.
What I hope to achieve in the costume store is a huge development in my sewing ability and more precision and accuracy in my making skills.
Through the Breathe project I hope to expand my knowledge of experimental textiles and how to create more extreme textiles into working costumes.


A1       To provide opportunities for self-initiated, autonomous learning
            and develop the ability to plan time and work independently

A2       To provide opportunity to study the contextual development of costume and performance design

A3       To further develop the creative, intellectual and practical applications of research and contextualisation within a self initiated environment

A4       To propose, develop and evaluate professional aspirations through professional development planning

Learning Outcomes:

On completion of this unit you will be able to:

LO1     Identify and define the context for the development of your own work towards professional aspirations

LO2     Demonstrate an understanding of the development of Costume with performance design
LO3     Have developed the creative, intellectual and practical applications of research and contextualisation

LO4    Consolidate and demonstrate professional aspirations and planning                     

Assessment Requirements:

Supervisor / Makers

A body of construction work to include 2 garments for the costume store (patterns will be provided). and one whole costume and a body of costume interpretation work for Breathe together with personal reflection of the development of your project in your blog.  100%
     …..under pinned by personal development planning (in your blog journal) and a final written evaluation (750 words) evidenced in your Blog             100%

Each assessment requirement must be passed at a minimum grade of 40% to successfully complete the unit

Assessment Criteria (specific criteria related to the learning outcomes and linked to the statement of generic assessment criteria matrix):           
1.      Evidence of knowledge of contextual and theoretical issues – The level to which you have considered the context of your project and evidenced that to your body of work (LO1, LO2)

2.      Evidence of understanding through synthesis and development – The application and extend to which research has informed decision-making and project development together with the appropriate management of time (LO2, LO3, LO4)

3.      Evidence of evaluation and reflection – The extent to which you have reflected on the progress of your project and used it to inform personal development planning (LO4)

4.      Evidence of realisation through the communication of ideas - The presentation of your work and the level to which specialist knowledge has been applied, communicated and evidenced (LO3, LO4)

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